A key strategic goal of the Rensselaer Forward plan is to “Create a robust and holistic learning community.” Inquiry-based learning and creativity are key elements toward achieving that goal. The Gameful and Immersive Learning Teams invite interested faculty to apply to redesign one of their courses (or an element of their course) to align with this important Institute goal.
News and Events
RPI is governed by a Board of Trustees (BOT), empowered by the bylaws. Our governance structure includes the BOT, the President and Cabinet, Academic Leadership (Provost & Deans’ Council), the Faculty Senate, and Student Governance (Student Union, Student Senate, Undergraduate Council, & Graduate Council), along with Staff Engagement. Want to learn more? Dive into Standard 7 of RPI’s Self-Study for Middle States Accreditation, a team led by Dr. Andrew White & Ms.
Ever wondered how RPI’s institutional revenues break down? Or how our endowment is managed and invested? How about the size of our workforce—how many staff and faculty make up the RPI community? And how are resources allocated, assessed, and planned over time? For all these details and more, dive into Standard 6 of RPI’s Self-Study for Middle States Accreditation, a team led by Ms. Kelli Perry and Ms. Sue Proskine (See: https://rpi.box.com/s/bcf6agevb10ebqtevu01vpvwaf6zpynu).
RPI students consistently excel, with placement rates ranging from 91–95% in recent years. In 2023, among those placed, 56% secured employment, 33% enrolled in graduate school, and 11% pursued other opportunities, including military service, travel abroad, the Peace Corps, non-traditional employment, and entrepreneurship. Curious to learn more? Dive into Standard 5 of RPI’s Self-Study for Middle States Accreditation, a team led by Dr. Brett Fajen and Dr.
Many students participate in multiple activities, totaling 8,735 participations per academic year! And here’s another fun fact: the median earnings of RPI undergraduates 10 years after graduation (as of 2021) is $102K. There’s so much more to explore! Dive into Standard 4 of RPI’s Self-Study for Middle States Accreditation a team led by Mr. Louis Trzepacz and Ms. Karen Long (See: https://rpi.box.com/s/7ylwr03zcilsra7rl18pt7ckd6r7kwkd).
Have you explored our comprehensive advising model? Have you taken full advantage of the Center for Career and Professional Development and the Center for Global Communication + Design? What about I-PERSIST and the Student Success Labs? Did you know our median course evaluation for overall instructor rating is above 4/5? There’s so much more to discover! Dive into Standard 3 of RPI’s Self-Study for Middle States Accreditation, a team led by Dr. Sibel Adali and Dr.
Did you know that for RPI students, the Student Handbook and Graduate Student Supplement outline academic and disciplinary policies? For faculty and staff, these are detailed in the Human Resources Policy Guidelines and the Faculty Handbook. For more information, explore Standard 2 of RPI’s Self-Study for Middle States Accreditation: Ethics and Integrity, a team led by Dr. Dorit Nevo (See: https://rpi.box.com/s/vubssdzol6zzitigp33qbc9igb5t28w4).
Did you know our new Rensselaer Forward Plan carries forward our founder’s mission: to instruct “persons who may choose to apply themselves in the application of science to the common purposes of life”? The mission, vision, and core values of RPI are outlined alongside the former Rensselaer Plan 2024 and the new Rensselaer Forward Plan. For more details, dive into Standard 1 of RPI’s Self-Study for Middle States Accreditation, a team led by Dr. Lee Ligon and Ms.
Faculty are invited to participate in the second workshop of the 3-part series, Helping Students Learn. The topic of the second session is Making it Stick: Enhancing Practice and Transfer of New Knowledge and will be led by Eric Burkholder (Auburn University, Engineering Education Researcher). Participants will be able to apply research from cognitive psychology directly to their instructional approach in a way that centers and promotes student learning and success.
Helping Students Learn is a 3-part series on research-based teaching theories and methods. They will be led by Eric Burkholder (Auburn University, Engineering Education Researcher). These 3 sessions will introduce the basics of memory, learning and transfer, and assessment. Participants will be able to apply research from cognitive psychology directly to their instructional approach in a way that centers and promotes student learning and success.