
Reminder to Faculty: Update and Publish Summer Term Course Syllabi in HelioCampus

This announcement is to remind faculty that the HelioCampus (formerly known as AEFIS) syllabus module is available for faculty to access for the Summer Term. The Provost requires syllabi to be entered and published 2-weeks after the beginning of the semester; for the summer semester the date is June 3. HelioCampus will publish the syllabi automatically on June 10, 2024.

In-person assistance will be available Wednesday May 29 in Sage 2313 from 3:00-4:00. For assistance at other times, please contact Amy directly (


HelioCampus Syllabus Publishing Deadline January 22!

This announcement is remind faculty know that HelioCampus (formerly known as AEFIS) syllabus module is available for faculty to access for the Spring Term '24. Based on the requirements from the Provost's office, faculty should have their syllabi published by January 22, 2024. HelioCampus will publish the syllabi automatically on January 29, 2024.

There are resources to assist you on the Provost's website. 

HelioCampus Syllabus Available for Spring Term: NOW!

This announcement is to let faculty know that the (formerly known as AEFIS) syllabus module will be available for faculty to access for the Spring Term December 12, 2023. Based on the requirements from the Provost's office, faculty should have their syllabi published by January 22, 2024. HelioCampus will publish the syllabi automatically on January 29, 2024.

There are resources to assist you on the Provost's website. 


HelioCampus Syllabus to be Published Automatically September 18, 2023

Just a quick reminder to please complete your syllabus in HelioCampus. Based on the requirements from the Provost's office, faculty should have their syllabi published in HelioCampus by September 11, 2023. HelioCampus will publish all syllabi automatically on September 18, 2023.

Please contact Amy Svirsky,, for assistance.

HelioCampus Syllabus Available for Fall Term: August 3, 2023

This announcement is to let faculty know that the HelioCampus (formerly known as AEFIS) syllabus module will be available for faculty to access for the Fall Term August 3, 2023. Based on the requirements from the Provost's office, faculty should have their syllabi published by September 11, 2023. HelioCampus will publish the syllabi automatically on September 18, 2023.

There are resources to assist you on the Provost's website. 

AEFIS Syllabus Available for Summer Term: May 1, 2023

This announcement is to let faculty know that the AEFIS syllabus module will be available for faculty to access for the summer Term I and II on May 1, 2023. Based on the requirements from the Provost's office, faculty should have their syllabi published by June 5, 2023. AEFIS will publish the syllabi automatically on June 12, 2023.

There are resources to assist you on the Provost's website.

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